Now that the mail embargo seems to have cleared up, I will offer what I learned
 over the weekend re: the Ferraros returning to Maine after the Olympics.
I asked the Hockey Academic Advisor here at Minnesota a hypothetical question:
What if Craig Johnson wanted to come back to play at Minnesota after the
Olympics? Would he have to be registered? and Would he have to be full-time?
The answer was: Yes, he would have to be registered and yes he would have to
be registered for a full load (carry a full-time credit load). The only
exception, would be IF the player was a senior and ONLY needed X number of
credits to graduate.
I hope that Maine really checks this out. It would be a shame if they made a
mistake that could be very costly to their team.
Carol S. White                            BITNET: c-whit@uminn1
University of Minnesota        internet:[log in to unmask]
Office of the Registrar
(612) 625-8517                                    GO Gophers!!!