An article by Andy Baggot in THN this week (2/4/94) says that the NC$$
has upheld sanctions against Wisconsin for 1991-92 and that the
Badgers have been stripped of their second place finish in the NC$$
tourney that season.  Also, their opponents from that season have been
given the option of accepting or rejecting forfeits of games played
that season.
I have not heard anything further on this - any other info?  This is
for the situation where Duane Derksen and Doug MacDonald "received
substantially reduced rent to live at the home of a booster during
their senior seasons." (Baggot)
I guess I was a little surprised not to hear it from HOCKEY-L first. :-)
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Mike Machnik                                          [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                  *HMM* 11/13/93
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