>From the home office in Brunswick, Maine, the TOP TEN things to throw on the
ice after your team scores a goal:
10) tennis balls
 9) squid
 8) hats
 7) a fish
 6) some swiss cheese
 5) a dead gopher
 4) oranges
 3) a sieve
 2) a box of Mrs. Paul's
And the #1 things to throw on the ice after your team scores a goal (drum roll
 1) grilled cheese sandwiches
Yes, believe it or not, this happened.  There was an article in the Rochester
newspaper this morning about an incident this week as the Bowdoin/Colby game (I
think it was Colby - this is from memory).  Apparently, about 100 fans were
tossed out for throwing grilled cheese sandwiches on the ice, symbolic of the
Colby goalie being "toasted".
I gotta admit - I like it!  Very creative!!!  Almost as much imagination as the
substitute UNH fish thrower using a box of Mrs. Paul's a few years ago.
Anybody from up that way care to comment?