Reading Brad Cuyler's latest note (man, he's been busy lately, mostly it seems
defending himself) I was sort of surprised to see him propose a 2-division
conference.  I, for one, would support such an idea (especially if it means
not swiping someone from the CCHA).  I feel that the 56 vs. 64 point argument
is somewhat academic, since WCHA teams play 32 games now in conference.  Why
not 32 in a 2-division conference?
For my money, I'd still like to see Air Force as that twelfth team.  They
could easily fit into Brad's Western Division (I think they should name
them after historic figures from the conference, as the NHL used to do,
before Bettman decided that people couldn't identify with the names.  How
many of us still think of the Bruins and Canadiens, for example, as Adams
Division opponents?).
Just my $.03 worth (you know, inflation, taxes, all those things that go
with having Democrats in the White House).
G. M. Finniss
Michigan State University
WVU '87, UTenn '92, MSU who the hell knows when?