Mike Machnik writes...
[many details of the game deleted]
>Lowell added two more in the second and third to make it 10-0.
>Roloson was replaced by little-used Craig Lindsay to start the third,
>and the only Brown goal came late when Lindsay bobbled the puck
>outside his crease and Brown's Ryan Mulhern flipped it in the open
I don't understand why Rollie the Goalie was replaced in this game
while he still had the shut-out on the line. It doesn't seem like a
particularly nice gesture for a coach to do to his goaler. Sure it was
a good opportunity for Lindsay to get some more ice time, but I'm sure
he would have understood especially being a goaler himself.
Does Rollie get the shut-out anyways?
Mike Collingridge                   ([log in to unmask])
Any views expressed are only my own.