Pam Sweeney writes:
>He was one of the game's truly tough players, and his fights with Black Jack
>Stewart remain an NHL legend as the most rugged battles ever.
><end quotes again;  elsewhere in the book it says that one of Mariucci's fights
>with Stewart was the NHL's longest fight, lasting nearly half an hour.>
Really?  Is that where the Gophers got it from? (heavy on the :-)!)
Interesting that the father of Minnesota hockey, indeed, perhaps of US
amateur hockey (which prides itself on no fighting in college), is
partly remembered for his mean fists! :-)
>"During the 1980 Olympics, a U.S. destroyer passed a Russian ship and
>signaled to it: 'USA 4, Russia 3.'
1) Is that US destroyer still afloat? :-)
2) If they signaled this before the game, I'd like to know who was on
that ship so I can ask who they like in this year's Olympics! :-)
Thanks, Pam...
---                                                                 ---
Mike Machnik                                          [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                  *HMM* 11/13/93
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