Dave C. writes:
>I was looking over the hockey-l file, 9394tsch brown, and
>realized that Brown has played 9 OT games so far (with a
>2-3-4 record - a lot of work for close to dead even? (:'()
Since their first overtime game of the season was an exhibition against New
Brunswick, they have "officially" played eight overtime games, going 2-3-3
in them.
>Has anyone else played nearly that many OTs this year?
Notre Dame has also played eight (2-2-4).
As for the NC$$ record for OT games in a season, I'll have to defer to more
stat-stuffed minds than my own.  It's probably another one of those college
hockey records on which there is no agreement...
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              strictly those of:
Bill Fenwick                        |  Send your HOCKEY-L poll responses to:
Cornell '86 and '94 (.5)            |  [log in to unmask]
"Why is it whenever you break up with somebody, they always say, 'You'll
 never meet anyone else like me'?  I should hope not!  If I don't want to
 go out with YOU, why would I want to go out with someone JUST LIKE YOU?"
-- Larry Miller