Carol writes:
[several interesting and informative notes about the Mariucci championship
game, including:]
>Many people actually left after the first OT (5:00)
Whoa, there -- I haven't got a rule book handy, but aren't tournament games in
which a winner has to be determined supposed to use 20-minute overtimes if
One thing which I forgot to mention in my notes on the consolation game:
Maine's Justin Tomberlin missed that game with an ankle injury.  There
apparently were a few Maine players who did wear the armbands in memory of
his mother; the radio announcer specifically mentioned Mike Latendresse as
one of them.
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              strictly those of:
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"Why is it whenever you break up with somebody, they always say, 'You'll
 never meet anyone else like me'?  I should hope not!  If I don't want to
 go out with YOU, why would I want to go out with someone JUST LIKE YOU?"
-- Larry Miller