Whoops.... scratch my last post about RPI playing Clarkson/St. Lawrence this
weekend.  I'm a week ahead of myself!
  ____.   Rob Pinelli     Dept. 3I31    ++++++++++++++++++++++   _  __    /|_
 / | /|   Member of Scientific Staff    +NT/BNR knows nothing+  | |/_ \ /   _|
| \|/ |   Residential/Local Toll Svcs   + of my opinions and +  | |  | | | |
|  |  |  Bell-Northern Research  (BNR)  + they probably want +  | |  | |_| |_
 \_|_/    Research Triangle Park, NC    +to keep it that way!+  |_|   \_/ \_/
 B N R  Phone: (919) 991-8940 (ESN 294) ++++++++++++++++++++++ Northern Telecom