pardon me for the title, but two of our three renowned TV stations had
film and interviews of the Northern - CC game, but neither even
bothered to mention the score of the other local team.  I can't be
certain about the third, as i didn't start flipping channels soon
Airforce ? at army ?  (lets HOPE it will be in the paper tomorrow)
Northerm Mich 9 at Colorado College 11 (7-4 CC after 1  enga had a hat trick)
Minnesota 6 at denver 5 (overtime)  This was on local TV as was the
        michigan/michigan state game.  Two good games on the box, and
        it sounds like a great one at the broadmoor.  Maybe i'll sneak
        down there tomorrow.
charlie shub
[log in to unmask]  -or-  cdash@colospgs (BITNET)
(719) 593 3492               (fax) 593-3369