When you expand and divide the WCHA into 3 geographic divisions, and you
have 4 teams representing each division (Western, Central, and North).
You then have the 4 teams play each other 4 times for a total of 24
possible points. This is top heavy because the teams regular season
record will have a huge impact on the quality of those 3 teams it plays.
For instance purely an example, The Western Division which is supposed
to have UAA, UAF, CC, and Denver. Denver sweeps these 3 other teams for
24 points. (Not saying this will happen) Denver loses and splits with
the teams from the rest of the WCHA.  Denver or another team similar to
this has an artificial record representing its geographic division. This
is not fair for the rest of the WCHA if one conference is weaker than
the next (I'm not saying the Western Conference or any other one is) The
team can still get home playoff advantages because of this. The way the
WCHA plays now is an indicator of true competition. So in closing this
proposal is TOP HEAVY and artificail. As for splitting 2 games 1 at home
and one away with another team is stupid. Will Wisconsin travel to Tech
and NMU in the same Weekend. This is the wrong direction for the WCHA.