First I gotta give you grief about calling Maryland "Hockey Hell" in caps.  see my sig, I have it copywritten! ;->
I don't like unbalanced schedules, it can cause problems with some teams having tougher schedules then others.  I remember HE saying they would reshuffle their "divisions" every couple of years to try & remedy that, but I don't think they ever have (please don't flame me if that is not true -- my hockey news comes via hockey-l or ESP).
College hockey has the problem of not being a big (and in some cases any) revenue generator & college athletics is rapidly becoming the big 2 & all others.  If a couple of Pac 10 schools would field a DivI team & some of the centerally located teams could be remixed it wouldn't be hard to have 6 leauges (1 way west, 1 kinda west, 2 kinda central & 2 east -- more or less). But given the eralities of big money college sports I don't think it will happen.
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 **  Johnson Governors  -- 1947, 1953, 1955 and 1963 STATE CHAMPS!  **
Notes From Hockey Hell (r)