Greetings, Friends! It's been a while since I've posted.
Recently, I was volunteering my time at a phone-a-thon fundraiser for a
local community institution, and the theme was Pittsburgh sports.
Everything was "black and gold" and decked out with Steelers, Pirates,
and, of course, Pens paraphernalia.
Anyway, I noticed a poster on the wall: It had a big banner headline that
said something like: "Drugs are Totally Uncool," and beneath kneeled three
Pens on the ice, each behind their alma mater's hockey jersey: One
from BU, one from BC, and one from Wisconsin. Sorry, I failed to write
down the players' names. But you probably know who they are anyway!
Yours from the college hockey wasteland of Western PA,
Martin I. Lewison                                [log in to unmask]
Katz Graduate School of Business Ph.D. Program -- University of Pittsburgh
"Hardy har har. No, 'business ethics' is not an oxymoron." -- Me