Laura Wrote...
>Alright, alright, so I haven't been reading the hockey news lately, but I
>did this morning.  Granted I'm an outsider to collegiate hockey, but I was
>amazed that Brad, who said 'who cares where the players are from', got
>*thrashed* .  Get real.  It's survival of the fittest out there.  He was
>completely valid in all his points.
>Give kids the best to play with and in circumstances that will prepare them
>for the NHL (learning to play successfully  with people from different
some stuff deleted...
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>My opinions are all mine and don't reflect those who employ me.  Bummer.
     While I don't agree that college hockey should exist solely as
preparation for the NHL, I was also surprised at the response to Brad's
note.  Perhaps he expressed his opinion a little bluntly, but his note
was nowhere near as much of a "flame" as the response.  Brad's note was
related to a legitimate discussion topic and was not intended to deride
any particular individual; I'm afraid the same can't be said of the reply.
Sorry, just my opinion.
     Returning to the actual subject, I also think that playing with
people from different backgrounds is good for a young athlete's education
regardless of whether or not he/she intends to pursue a pro career.  If I
were on a team, that's the type of team I'd like to play for.  I think
it's healthy, aside from any consideration of how competitive the team
can be.  Each coach is free to use their own style, of course.
     As far as success is concerned; Minnesota's ability to field good
teams can't be contested.  Most schools would love to have the number
of wins and tournament successes UMinn has had!