On Thu, 9 Dec 1993, Pamela Sweeney wrote:
> "David M. Josselyn" writes:
> > Hmmmm.  Very interesting.  I'm sure for the Boston area schools, Boston
> > College, Boston University, Merrimack, Northeastern, this wouldn't pose
> > much of a problem.  But Maine has a five hour bus trip to Boston already,
> I hope you don't expect any sympathy from the Western correspondents on this
> one!  :-)  Let's see, from Minnesota it's prob'ly 10 hrs to Northern Michigan
> and Michigan Tech (the Gophers generally don't count on the airport being open,
> so they bus it.) and 4 hours to Madison...   6 hours to North Dakota, I suppose.
> Colorado is obviously an airplane trip, though. Then there's Anchorage...
Well, you certainly got me there!  I guess from that perspective Hockey
East is quite spoiled.  After all, except Maine, all the schools aren't
much more than an hour, maybe hour and a half apart.  Hockey heaven!
Makes me wish I had seen more games while I was there now that I am
trapped in Football Hell in Syracuse (which as far as I can tell is an
overgrown and alienated suburb of Buffalo)!
> Sorry, just had to tease about the different geographical perception exhibited
> in that message!
David M. Josselyn
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