On Thu, 9 Dec 1993, Johanna M. Wise wrote:
> We have all been jipped from a higher grade that we deserved/earned
> by teachers. Tory cannot be entirely, if at all, to blame here. My
> feelings are 1) Grades are _not_ an indication of an individual's
> academic or intellectual capacity/abilities, and 2) Athletes should
> not be forced to be geniuses!!
> Way to go on the Open Door policy! (who posted that?)
Cheers from this quarter as well.  Academic evaluations are too often
based on oversimplified, purely quantitative methods (like SAT tests, for
However, <SOAPBOX MODE ON> special cheers to using an Open Door policy
for all students-- not only those in a position to help your athletic
program.  And special kudos to a school that would overtly espouse such
an Open Door policy, rather than simply formulating their own personal
interpretations and translations of other schools' grading systems to
justify your own aims.  <SOAPBOX MODE OFF>.
So how 'bout them Mets?
David M. Josselyn
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