's message of Thu, 9 Dec 1993 13:02:01 -0500 <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: +/-
Rita-Ann Monde writes:
>When teams are at even strength, if team "A" scores, then the skaters from
>team A on the ice at the time of the goal gets a "+" and the players from
>team "B" get a minus.  In the NHL, if Team "A" scores while shorthanded,
>then the team A players get plus, and team B skaters get a minus.
To relate this to the earlier discussion about uniformity of
statistics, not everyone follows this method either.  Some schools
count ONLY even strength goals in their +/-.  Some schools keep +/-
for goalies, too.  I prefer the method outlined by Rita-Ann, myself.
---                                                                 ---
Mike Machnik                                          [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                  *HMM* 11/13/93
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