Bob writes...
>Altho I'm not sure about his location in the list anymore, (I believe he is
>still 3rd all time)  The Late John MacInnes (passed away march 6, 1983)
>had 555 wins  295 losses and 39 ties for Michigan Tech University from
>1956-1982  in 26 years as MTU head coach.
3rd place is correct if you just consider Div.1...Bob Peters who is
coaching at Bemidji (previously North Dakota) is now third on the NC$$
coaches all-time win list with 603 wins from the start of this season.
>The Student ice arena was renemaed  the John J MacInnes Student Ice Arena
>a few years back, sticking to the request John Made before he died that they
>never take the word "STUDENT" out of the name.  The students voted the extra
>fees in the late 60's early 70's to have it built, and John wanted to make
>sure they were never forgotten for it.
I love hearing old-time stuff like this from college hockey greats...
Does anyone have anymore?
A friend of mine (even though he is a Lakers' fanatic;) told me that the
renovated Norris Ice Arena which is to be completed by next season, will
be renamed the Clarence (Taffy) Abel Arena.
For those of you who didn't know, Abel was a star player at Lake Superior
a long time ago (early 1900's?) and went on to play in the NHL. He was
the U.S. flag-bearer in the first Winter Olympics in 1924, and was also
the first inductee in the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame.
I'd especially be interested to hear some stuff on the legendary John
"Snooks" Kelley or Len Ceglarski? I'm sure Jerry York (HC at BGSU) would,
since he had the privilege of assisting under both of these great coaches.
I know BC gives out an award annually in memory of Kelley. How about it?
--                |"Men loud against all forms of power --    |  The
Mike Collingridge |   Unfurnish'd brows, tempestuous tongues, | Coach
Disclaimer: Any   | Expecting all things in an hour --        |  and
views expressed   |   Brass mouths and iron lungs!"           |Referee
are only my own.  |  -- Alfred, Lord Tennyson's _Freedom_     |Conflict