WCHA Stats
The local newspaper has not published the WCHA stats yet this week.
Even if they print it in tomorrow's paper I may not have time to
enter this stuff.  Hopefully the stats will return next week.
Jim Carey
In other news, Wisconsin goaltender Jim Carey has decided to not
join the US Junior World Championship team for the tournament
over the holidays.  Carey made the decision himself listing a number
of reasons in the newspaper article.  US officials now are scrambling
for another goaltender.  Moen from Minnesota is on the team, not sure
who other good young American goalies would be.
Shawn Walsh
Finally, I was surprised to hear of the suspension of Shawn Walsh.
Maybe the suspension is the best thing for the University of Maine.
It sends the message that the University will make every effort to
keep things above board.  However, some of the messages
here on hockey-L strike me as very poorly thought out.
Walsh has a very good record as a innovative hockey
coach.  His teams have always played hard and fair.  Do critics
of Walsh really think that he regularly tries to cheat his way around NCAA
The second criticism is of the people who think that Tory does not
belong in college because he got below 60% in some class.  Mr Tory
has nothing to be proud of about his classroom performance but people
should mind their own business before criticizing him or Maine.
Maine and many other public Universities around this country admit
kids like Tory because they think it is possible to educate the person
despite previous academic shortcomings.  Thats the school's role
in educating the general public including foreign (i.e. Canadian) students.
Other schools have very selective academic policies.  Fine, for them.
One shoe does not fit all in the US academic schema.
Ahhhhhh!!!  I fell off my soapbox and I can't get up.
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