Bri Farenell wrote:
>John Edwards wrote:
>>...In New York, I think, 61% is only a C-...
>As has been mentioned before, a 61 is generally a D- in most
>parts of the US.
>In fact, in New York (or at least in my high school which is in NY),
>a 61 is an F. 65 is the lowest minimum passing grade.
OK, so my memory is failing me. :) This only serves to prove my point, though.
How is it that someone with marks in the 50s could be recruited and even
consider being allowed to play? I'm sorry, but when Maine knew that Tory's
marks were that bad, they should have known to avoid him. Tory was getting
marks that would have, apparently, flunked him in many other places, INCLUDING
MAINE, put passed him in B.C.
A stunt like this by Coach Walsh not only puts the Maine hockey program into
disrepute, it casts a shadow over all of college hockey. So far as I know,
and I hope I'm right, this is the exception, and not the rule. But each
incident like this poses the question, "Is Maine alone?" I hope they are.
That being said, I don't think the NC$$ should make Maine forfeit the games he
played in. One is innocent until proven guilty, and in this case, Tory was
(much as I or anyone else might dislike it) eligible until ruled ineligible.
I have to wonder where the NC$$ was in this, it's not as if they didn't know
about him. They really screwed the pooch on this one.
See you later,
John C.K. Edwards       ONLY _13_ DAYS UNTIL I GO HOME!!!! :-) :-) (Dec.19)
Poli Sci/Law III      GO CATS GO!!! (9-20)     TOUCHDOWN SEAHAWKS!!!!! (5-7)
CUSA Arts/SS Rep    [log in to unmask]    [log in to unmask]
Ottawa, ON        Unfortunately, my opinions aren't those of CUSA or Carleton