Hi there,
        I didnt think my original message would cause this much of a stir.
Based on many of the messages I and the list have received I have opened
my eyes slightly...
        I agree with Mike. A scholarship is not a binding 4yr contract.
Our non-athletic scholarships are non-binding. However, they do state
that I am not permitted to seek other employment while on the fellowship
without permission. I would suggest, that an athlete is bound for
the current academic year. If he or she leaves the university to pursue
a professional career they could simply repay the years scholarship.
A small price to pay for a professional career. This would help keep
the team intact for the entire year. (or at least make an attempt)..
        Barring a student from the olympics. I dont agree. I am proud
to see athletes from my school on the team. I would give my left arm to
compete in the olympics. Taking that shot away is an injustice.
Furthermore, we would have a hard time competing in the olympics if
we reduced the pool of availlable candidates. Especially, considering the latest
use of professionals in the olympic hockey tournament.
        Being the torch carrier that I am.... How does the list
feel about professionals being used in olympic games....
        Im not going to say how I feel.... I learned that lesson yesterday.
                                                ---Greg Gdowski
Dept. of biomed eng.
Boston University