Mich Tech played two difficult games with U of North Dakota
and lost both. (3-5, 3-4). It was very frustrating as a fan to
watch and be able to do little or nothing.
Nothing in the following comments should be construed
to diminish the UND effort: They played very well and
deserved to win both games.
MTU's team youthfulness is all to obvious. However, the
Seniors' playing are also not helping the team. When looking
at the UND break away's, it was a Senior's man that was not
covered. If the goalie, Jamie Ram, does not get better support
from his Senior classmates, it is doubtful that his fine GAA
and shots stopped % will reflect his outstanding talent. It
is amazing that Ram is doing as well as he is with the very
little support he is getting from the remainder of the team.
MTU's freshman and sophomores are tentative in both
shooting and in defending opponent players. There is a
tendency to pass too much and in situations where the
opponent can interfere. MTU's puck control is particularly
suspect. Rather than playing the puck off the pass, the
players are first stopping the puck as they receive it and then
making a decision what to do about it. As a result, they are
losing a step every time the puck is exchanged.
Most of this is inexperience.
In defending opponents, MTU is waiting for the opponent
player to come to them rather than challenging and putting
pressure on. It appears that they are not confident enough
in their own skills to stay with the opponent. For example,
Naumenko of UND had some very good shots at the MTU
net because no one was stepping up and checking him. If
one of our bigger players would have put him to the ice
a couple of times (nothing illegal intended) him would not
have even thought about attempting the shots he took. UND
found that they could play a physical game and MTU would
fall off.
Our power play is pathethic but improving. I saw the best
MTU power plays I have seen this season during the 2nd
period of the Saturday night game. MTU moved the puck
to the open man and he actually shot the net. Kvalevog, the
UND goalie was forced to make some remarkable saves.
Another improved area that I saw was our ability to
avoid stupid penalties. We had the best refereeing yet
this year (Shepherd & Schmitt) but our play was much
cleaner also. However, in the third period, the team is
getting tired and still making mistakes. The fans wanted
penalties a couple of times when players took dives; the
ref's this weekend knew how the game is played. To the
ref's: job well done.
Sidenote: the Friday linesman, Joe Romano took a
puck to the side of his knee with about 2 minutes
left in the game. He had to be helped off the ice and
could not officiate Saturday night. Apparently nothing
is broken. However, there is a severe bruise.
All in all: MTU is improving but needs to focus on
     support the goalie
     puck handling
     challenging the opponents particularly
            after they cross the blue line
     shooting the puck
     third period endurance
MTU is an average hockey team this year that if they
improve can make the playoffs. A previous coach at
MTU is reputed to have said, "the season doesn't
start until after Christmas." There is plenty of time
left for MTU.
Walt Olson
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