As promised, here is last nights boxscore (scoring) for last nights game
between the Fighting Souix of North Dakota and the Mickigan Tech Huskies held
at the MacInnes Ice Arena in Houghton, MI.  Once again I apologize for spelling
errors on any of the names for the Fighting Souix players.  It's tough to make
out what's being said on the P.A. system from my seat and they don't have names
of their uniforms.
Team   1   2   3   F
UND    1   1   2   4
MTU    3   0   0   3
1st Period
1 UND  4:36  Hernea (Olsen, Bombrodeer)
2 MTU 10:31  Lane (3) (P. Mikesch, Wright)
3 MTU 14:32  Stevens (6) (Garvey, B. Peterson)
4 MTU 17:41  Lane (4) (Hanchuck, P. Mikesch)
2nd Period
5 UND 12:39  Mamenko (Schriner, Litkey)
3rd Period
6 UND  2:19  ?? (??, Bombrodeer)   (I missed this one so anyone that knows it?)
7 UND 15:33  Brillo (Schriner, Hoodstein)
UND Kvalevog (29-26)
MTU Ram (34-30)
Shots on Goal
Team  1   2   3   F
UND   7   13  14  34
MTU   9   11  9   19
kup  <;)