Clark Bundy writes:
>If a team is 10-0, it's opponents have at least 10 losses.  If a team is
>5-5, it's opponents will have 5 more wins, and 5 less losses.  This is the
>key problem with ratings systems that include strength of opponent teams:
>if you lose, that rating increases, whereas if you win, it decreases.
>Therefore, I propose the following change to ratings systems:  when
>calculating a team's opponent's strength, do not include the opponent's
>game(s) played against the team.  This will eliminate the penalty to a
>team's opponent's record for beating the opponent.
Correct.  The Rating Percentage Index method, used in the RPICH ratings I
have posted to HOCKEY-L the last two seasons, does not include those games.
-- Erik
-- Minnesota's Pride on Ice
P.S.  I expect to start compiling and posting RPICH sometime before Christmas.