Thanks to Lynn Burke for posting those AP stories from Burlington. Other
than the standard error of referring to "Boston", they weren't bad. (Now
if that little school across the border would change its name to Chestnut
Hill College, we'd have no more of this confusion.)
Even more thanks to Mike Machnik for noting what I wanted to say but
feared it would be called partisan whining. BU was without some key
players. O'Sullivan, Pandolfo, and Lachance generally make an impact.
While I agree with Mike that Herlofsky is essential for championship
hopes, it seemed that McKersie played a good game even without one of
their best defensive players in front of him.
Mike is right that UNH's record is "nothing to sneeze at". They've beaten
RPI and Maine, split with Mass-Lowell, tied Northeastern, and now beaten
BU. Heinke is one hell of a goalie - one that you definitely want to have
all your guns if you're going up against him. BU didn't this time so we
will have to wait until 1/21-22 for an even rematch.
    Dave Carroll, BU '73
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