I got back on to hockey-l about 10 days ago, so if this has been discussed,
I apologize.
I first saw the news of the Walsh suspension in a wire story that ran in the
Grand Forks Herald a few weeks ago.  The story claimed that Maine had forfeited
X number of games and that the team's record was now X-X-X.  I called the
Hockey East office to confirm the Black Bears' record for the game information
I provide in the press box here at UND and elsewhere (I keep track of the
standings from all four leagues).  Anyway, the HE office said Maine's record
had not changed and that there were no forfeitures and that the AP story was
Then, today I was talking with Minnesota's hockey SID and he told me that
Maine's SID office has the Black Bears at 9-6-1, not 6-9-1.  I'm just wondering
 if someone involved in Hockey East might be able to shed some light on these
discrepancies.  Is Maine 9-6-1 or 6-9-1?