To be the game I saw in the Soo, the Laker fans had less to cheer about. Jeff Jackson asked Ron
Mason to reschedule a game so LSSU could play in the Duracell Challenge in Canada. Mason agreed, but
the date he chose was the Monday immediately following the Laker's weekend at Miami. So the team was
coming off a probably-not-too successful series (I honestly don't remember) AND an 11-hour bus ride.
Nonetheless, the Lakers played tough...almost won, but Buzak played one of his better games.
Munn vs. Yost fans: Admittedly, my vantage from the press box last year didn't give me too much
insight, but the gross generalizations I gathered were these: Munn fans show up late in the first period
and are VERY lethargic during the game. Michigan fans were rowdy, spirited, but bordering on obnoxious,
both at Yost and on the road, and it carried over to the "professionals" covering the game: The writers
from the Michigan Daily were harrassing one of my statisticians up in the box.
For my money, the most intimidating atmosphere in the CCHA is at Lawson. Every year, Jeff Weiss at
the "C" office has to politely give out copies of the NC$$'s suggested guidelines for PA announcers...with
only one team in mind.