I don't know whether or not they still do it, but 8-10 years ago the student se
ction at my alma mater (Michigan State) would, with a couple seconds left in th
e opponents' penalty, chant "hey, Jerry, what's that smell?"  To which P.A. man
 Jerry Marshall would reply, as the penalty time ran out, "-----, full strength
".  I always thought that was a pretty harmless but cute chant.  Strangely enou
gh, I have never heard that in any other rink since then...I guess I've always
thought that stuff sort of recycled itself from rink to rink.  Maybe I'm not gi
ving enough credit to the innovative genius of the college hockey fan.
Now that I think of it, I'm trying to remember what our P.A. guy here at North
Dakota says when penalties are over.  I think he just says "both teams are at f
ull strength."  Anyway, cheers from chilly N.D.
                                               Justin Doherty