On Mon, 20 Dec 1993, Michael Collingridge wrote:
> >By the way, to the U-M fans who were harping back to last year when UIC took a
> >game from you guys, I think last night's game (and tonight's) sort of dispelled
> >the "upset" myth.  Just try not to burn out the goal judges' lights tonight.
> >Actually, go ahead.  We'd prefer to have you guys all "scored out" when you get
> >to the Joe.
> ...and visions of score outs danced in Spartan-heads.
> I guess one can expect this kind of mentality from a fan whose team's
> offense resembles crapshoot. I would tend to think that a team such as
> MSU has a team defense concept capable of "shutting down" a team like
> Michigan rather than wishing for a "scored out" consequence.
> When will opponents learn that you don't beat Michigan by sending your
> guys to the sin bin all night long? As it is playing them even-strength,
> it is hard to out-man the Wolverines.
> Mike Collingridge                 (Any views expressed are only my own.)
> [log in to unmask]
Hmm....  For those of you who also read rec.sport.basketball.college, this
discussion sounds strangely familiar: a "weauxf-fest."
As for myself, I'll be happy to keep as quiet as possible as Michigan
keeps on rolling.  The r.s.b.c. rulebook states quite clearly that the
more one places on the net about their team going to win, the less likely
that this winning will come to pass.  :)  So to all the Michigan fans:  Let's
just sit tight, enjoy this young and talented club until April, and
hopefully then we can all discuss our team's wondrous exploits...
I'm ecstatic with the progress of the team, especially the young
defensemen.  I don't think that Red could possibly ask for much more than
what he's gotten out of them so far...
And a side note:  Many thanks to John Haeussler for his timely, complete,
and insightful commentary on Michigan hockey.  I hope to be able to run into
you at Yost this year.  Maybe I'll be able to find you in the crowd by
process of elimination -- You're the only one who doesn't curse at the
officials!  :)
--Steve, U-M '92
"Once a Deker, always a Deker."