>> The NCAA should raise its academic standards for scholar-
>> ships and award them only to student-athletes who graduated
>> from high school with at least a "B" average.
Sorry, but I can't agree.  The alumni who fund athletic programs as well as
all the fans with season tickets, not to mention the TV contracts (all of
which bring good money into a Division I school) are paying to see good
ATHLETES, not good students.  I really don't care if the player can write
his own name as long as he can put the puck in the net.  As far as I'm
concerned, the only "subject" that player has to do well in is hockey.
Everything else is a bonus.  To extend your statement to other sports would
disqualify a large number of great basketball players, many of whom had to
struggle to score a combined 700 on their SATs.  Again, as long as they put
the ball in the hoop, I don't care how their grades are.  They're all adults
and responsible for their own actions.  If they want the education, it's there.
If they don't that's fine with me as well.
-- Ron
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