>Does anyone know what the USAir/Sheraton Hockey Tournament on Dec. 29 and 30
>is all about?  Which teams will be playing (besides Boston U.) and how
>many teams will there be.  I'm just wondering if this is going to be a
>cake-walk for B.U., or actually some tough games.
The tournament schedule is:
Dec 29  4:00PM  Dartmouth vs. New Hampshire
        7:00PM  BU vs. Vermont
Dec 30  4:00PM  Third Place
        7:00PM  Championship
I wouldn't consider any of these teams a cake-walk.  "On any given night ....."
seems to be happening alot in college hockey this year.  Let's hope all the
teams are at their best making it a fun tournament to watch for the fans.
Bruce Spencer
UNH '71