Steve Twombly writes:
>> Debatable...who are these many? Chiefs' fans?-)   Can someone provide
>> information (stats) on Roloson so far this season?
>His record is the same as
>Lowell's and his GAA is just below 3 (Last I knew).
Roloson had the best GAA & save % in HE, overall and league, prior to
the weekend.  Overall: 11 GP, 2.73, .906.  HE: 6 GP, 2.64, .914.
He allowed 5 goals to NU and 0 to Maine, so his GAA at least came down
even further.  #2-3 in the league were Allison & Marsh from Maine, so
they could not have caught Rollie the Goalie.
>> I would also like to see Bullock's stats as well. Anybody?
>Greg has 11 or 12 goals and about 14 assists. (approximately 25 points)
>Again, this info is what I heard on the radio
This sounds about right.  He had 10-11--21 in 11 overall games, 4-5--9
in 6 HE games prior to the weekend.  However, according to JohnH's
CCHA stats, Bullock is not the leader by points.  Michigan freshman
Brendan Morrison is listed at 12-15--27, but in 16 games - Bullock
would be ahead on points per game (~25 in 13 games).
---                                                                 ---
Mike Machnik                                          [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                  *HMM* 11/13/93
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