I've done my share of ECAC woofing these last three years
(mostly in self-defense), but after watching the game at
Northeastern Saturday night, I'll grudgingly give Hockey Least
its due.  This message will not be repeated.
HE has developed a more open, fast, exciting game than the
ECAC in the last couple years.  I realize that my ECAC view is
hideously disfigured by watching Cornell, which plays an
EXTREMELY slow, close-checking, conservative game.  But
I've seen several other ECAC match-ups, and several HE league
and playoff games, and I detect a fundamental difference in style
of play.
Note I'm not saying "level", or "quality" of play.  That's a rat hole
I'll avoid, thank you.  But in the HE games I've seen there have
been far more well set-up plays, better executed odd-man rushes,
and more end-to-end action.  The ECAC is slower and frankly
less interesting to watch.
I will venture tentatively into normative comparison by summing
up this way: to these eyes, HE has superior forwards, while ECAC
has to the same degree superior goaltending. This could be a
reflection of the difference in styles of play, or it could be driving
that difference.  In either case, there it is.
Let's Go Red!