Bill Fenwick writes:
>I'll have to dig out a rule book for the specific wording, but the rule is
>that the penalty of the player who FIRST put the scoring team on the power
>play is the one that gets wiped out.  In the above situation, Player 1 from
>Team B put the teams at even strength, 4-on-4.  Player 2 gave Team A a power
>play, 4-on-3, which Team A scored on.  Since Player 2 caused the power play
>situation, Player 2 gets out of the box.  I recall this situation also
>being discussed in the Interpretations section of the rule book as well.
And indeed, this is what happened in the UNH-Providence game.  It would
appear there is such a rule in NCAA hockey.  Anybody know if this exists in
other (NHL, AHAUS, etc) rulebooks?  It's a new one for me (and I *thought* I
knew all the rules :-)