A quick jump-in here, hope nobody minds... Shane writes:
>this does bring up a question...that i'm sure has been answered before, so
>if your moaning and groaning that it's coming up again, you're welcome to
>reply to me personally instead... ;-)
>something like this happens at least 1 in every 3 games i watch...goals
>are counted that shouldn't, or goals aren't counted that should (though, i
>don't think i see this as often).  why, when the people sit there and look
>at the tape immediately after the play, and when they sit there and look
>later, and it is clearly not a goal, is it counted anyway?
Basically because instant replay is not used in college hockey.  Nor should
it be, IMHO.
Bill Fenwick                        |  Send your HOCKEY-L poll responses to:
Cornell '86 and probably '94        |  [log in to unmask]
"Last night I had a premonition that tonight I would have deja vu."
-- Bruce Morton