A comment made by Jayson Moy reporting  on the RPI games over the weekend
makes me want to ask for collective wisdom on a point of interpretation:
what does it take to earn a 2-minute minor for "interference?"
Jayson writes--this is paraphrase--that checking a player into the boards
to prevent him/her reaching the puck is not interference. This does not seem
right to me, but maybe the interpretation of interference has evolved over
the years since I played in college. Maybe the crux of my objection is the
word "checking," where I used to be told that riding was okay but not checking
into the boards. The game has gotten more physical since the sixties, granted.
But what is "interference" if not interference with the opposite player's
right to scramble for the puck without a check being laid on him/her. Is
this call going to be totally subjective? Is only a flagrant act of
unprovoked violence going to be whistled for interference?