> way weak dude, the goal that won the game for NM, was thrown in with
> a hand!!!!!  can you believe that???!!!??!!
>  That is what Schill was telling the officials (who didnt listen),
> and after the game teh player who scored it (via hand) talked to
> schill in the hallway - they played one year of juniors together -
> told him that he did put it in with his hand.....very very weak!!!!!
> I guess i missed this one, but apparantly Kean scored in the third
> period but for some reason it wasnt allowed...=(
> oh well, tuff break.  uaa is on the road teh next two weekends, going
this does bring up a question...that i'm sure has been answered before, so
if your moaning and groaning that it's coming up again, you're welcome to
reply to me personally instead... ;-)
something like this happens at least 1 in every 3 games i watch...goals
are counted that shouldn't, or goals aren't counted that should (though, i
don't think i see this as often).  why, when the people sit there and look
at the tape immediately after the play, and when they sit there and look
later, and it is clearly not a goal, is it counted anyway?
i guess there always is the argument that its bound to work out in the
long run (you gte a few, you loose a few), but it's still wrong...IMHO.  ;-)
just wondering...
shane kingry
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