I like to keep track of where Tim Bergland is.  Aside from keeping track of
where ex-Gophers are, my interest in Tim is that I also have his old foot
locker.  Well I think I do, anyway.  A number of years back my cousin's cabinet
company redid the Gopher hockey locker rooms.  He salvaged parts of some of
the lockers and remade a number of foot lockers as gifts.  Some unknown Gopher
had scrawled across the top of mine "Bergie's an idiot!"  So I've assumed it
was his.
Doug P.
Douglas J. Peterson                   Have         _--____    ____
[log in to unmask]            you        `   /  ----        /
Safety Laboratories Department            driven     -/- __  ____ _  /
Ford Motor Company                           a    .  /  / \--/___/ \/
(313) 390-8089            GO GOPHERS!!!           \_/  ,\_/ /    \_/_   lately?