Commenting on the UAA/Math account of Saturday night's game, I heard the
game on the radio - I don't think you "led" all night.  The teams were
tied one all until the ten minute mark of the third period when UAA
scored a go-ahead goal.  NMU came back a very short time later and tied
it again, then went ahead.  UAA never had a chance after NMU scored the
third goal until Paul Taylor was penalized and your skater failed to
convert a penalty shot.  It sounded as though it was a barn burner -
good skating and very few penalties.  My brother lives in Anchorage and
he called me with the score Saturday morning.  He slept till 8:00 his
time when I called to"get the score" of Saturday night's contest.  This
is the brother who sent me a UAA sweatshirt to wear to an NMU game in
Marquette.  I wore it at Lakeview Arena and sent him an NMU cap when
Northern played in Anchorage!