John quoted:
>UAF is seeking a deal that will make it a full member of the WCHA, joining
>Alaska-Anchorage.  Should this not happen, the CCHA has said it will retain
>UAF as an affiliate member.
Interesting story from Ann Arbor.  Hadn't heard this from my Fairbanks sources.
Someone from CCHA-land correct me if needed:  I'd thought the deal which
brought UAF to the CCHA as an "affiliate member" included eventual inclusion as
a full-fledged member.  Apparently that's not true?  Also wonder how UAA would
feel about UAF joining the WCHA??
Dr. Stephen E. Roth                                 BITNET:   ROTH@CANISIUS
Dean of Student Services
Canisius College                                     PHONE:  (716) 888-2522
Buffalo, New York 14208                                FAX:  (716) 888-2525