Mike writes:
>John writes:
>>Jerry York (BGSU) has the inside track to
>>Coach-of-the-Year honors, but there should be an Executive-of-the-Year
>>presented to Schafer for bringing $$ and exposure to ND.
>Maybe this will convince the administration at ND to finally allow Ric
>to compete for recruits on an even footing with the other CCHA teams
>and offer the same number of scholarships.  (said with some sarcasm,
>some hope in mind)
That would be scary.  I'm not a fountain of knowledge when it comes to
scholarship allotment (or anything else for that matter), but I believe
Michigan has 18 hockey scholarships and Notre Dame has 2.5.  (Yes, there is
a decimal in there.)
>Two days away, still reading HOCKEY-L... :-)
Either Heather is very understanding or Mike is nuts.  Probably both.  :-)
  John H
  U Mich
P.S. I re-read my original ND post and it did sound like a PR piece for
Coach Schafer.  What I really wanted to do was point out the non-campus
games around the CCHA and credit the ND schedule makers (Ric, AD, CCHA,
etc.?) for taking maximum advantage.