Steve Martins pick as player of the week (ECAC) is well deserved.
This kid can SKATE.  He was absolutely on a higher level than the
rest of the players on the ice Saturday against Brown.  It is nearly
impossible to take the puck away from him when he has any more than a
few inches to work with.  Hw was a real joy to watch.
DOS     = Dead Operating System    |   DOS is Dead,
Windows = Windoze                  |   Windoze shall never awaken,
N/T     = Nice Try                 |   Nice Try though:
Solaris = Slow-aris                |   Slow as an abbacus,
OS/2    = Our Saviour is 2         |   WPS: Where Productivity Starts.
[log in to unmask]         |   Michael Sheridan
[log in to unmask]                 |   95 Benevolent St.
[log in to unmask]              |   Providence, RI  02906
[log in to unmask]              |   (401) 351-9721