    I am very pleased to see that my hometown favorites beat the OVERrated
LSSU team.  The lone #1 vote for UM in all the polls that we saw this
past week on the net was from me.  I also had some very interesting picks
that turned out right on from what I can tell.
    I had most every MI team in the top 12 (UM, LSSU, MTU, NMU, MSU); I
also had MN-Duluth, UAA and UAF, Wisconsin, BU, Maine, and Colorado College.
(Note this was not the order.)
    I didn't pick Harvard in the top 12 because of what I was of their
opponent, UNB when they played Brown last Friday night at Meehan.  I will
DEFINITELY be able to tell tonight, as the Brown Bears will square off at
7:00 PM at Meehan Auditorium with the Crimson.  If you are heading for the
game, EVERY student on campus is planning to go, go EARLY!!!  Best seats are
behind the net but to the side of the safety netting.
DOS     = Dead Operating System    |   DOS is Dead,
Windows = Windoze                  |   Windoze shall never awaken,
N/T     = Nice Try                 |   Nice Try though:
Solaris = Slow-aris                |   Slow as an abbacus,
OS/2    = Our Saviour is 2         |   WPS: Where Productivity Starts.
[log in to unmask]         |   Michael Sheridan
[log in to unmask]                 |   95 Benevolent St.
[log in to unmask]              |   Providence, RI  02906
[log in to unmask]              |   (401) 351-9721