Defense: Brendan Kenny, Western Michigan. The freshman recorded a +4 in 2
         games against Ohio State. Brendan Kenny is listed at 6'0", 195#.
Offense: Anson Carter, Michigan State. The sophomore scored 7 goals and
         1 assist in 3 games. I believe Anson centres the "Wexford Line"
         (and I'm sure someone from MSU will correct me if I'm wrong;)
--                | "Here we sit in a branchy row,           | The
Mike Collingridge |  Thinking of beautiful things we know;   | Hockey
Disclaimer: Any   |  Dreaming of deeds that we meant to do,  | Line
views expressed   |  All complete, in a minute or two ..."   | Shift
are only my own.  | -- Rudyard Kipling's _Road-Song_of_the_Bandar-Log_