In a previous post, [log in to unmask] (Carol S. White) writes:
>Yes, Woog was critical of coach Dahl and the SCSU program, but coach Dahl has
>seen the light of late and is recruiting more Minnesotans and fewer Canadians.
Carol, what exactly do you mean by "see the light"?
Why do you consider it better if SCSU or U of M recruits more
Minnesotans and fewer Canadians?
I realize that state schools like Minnesota and SCSU should cater to the
local state population first.  But if they want to compete at the highest
levels of college hockey - don't you think they need to recruit better
players from outside Minnesota, including Canada?
Just as in college basketball, the better programs like Michigan and North
Carolina have to recruit outside their state boundaries to remain at the
highest competitive level.
Isaac ([log in to unmask])