On Sun, 21 Nov 1993 [log in to unmask] wrote:
> Hi All,
>                 While talking with a friend yesterday the subject of cooperalls
> came up and how the Phi. Flyers and Whalers once wore the long pants.  I was
> just wondering what college teams wore long pants when that was the trend.  I
> think Providence had them but I'm not sure.  Personally, I thought they were
> pretty sharp.  But, they came and went like Menudo!  Can anybody remember that
> far back to who had them?  Thanks.
I remember Merrimack College wearing them right up until they joined
Hockey East for then '89-'90 season.  How far back they go, I'm not sure.
Early Eighties at least.  They DID wear them to the NCAA Quarterfinals in
Sault St. Marie when they lost a two-game, total goals series to Lake
Superior.  I think, however, that Hockey East mandated standard equipment
on all teams and so the long pants were history.  Not sure if that was the
case, though.  I still have highlight tapes of games the Warriors played
with the long pants.  I agree, they were pretty sharp.
David M. Josselyn
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