Date: 28 Oct 93 08:26:00 EDT
Subject: Uncl: Top 10 reasons...
The following top 10 list is from the Bangor Daily News Sports section
of October 20, 1993 - by Mike Dowd:
Top 10 reasons why University of Maine sophomore hockey star Paul Kariya
should stay at Maine rather than sign a bazillion-dollar NHL contract
with the Anaheim Mighty Ducks:
10. No Pat's Pizza or Governor's Restaurants located in the greater
    Anaheim area.
 9. Maine fans keep their guns in the pickup gunrack, where they belong,
    not in their pockets.
 8. Don't have to worry about being called "dude" here.
 7. Stephen King movies cooler than anything Disney makes.
 6. Sulphur smell from Old Town mill is medically proven safer than
    California smog.
 5. Maine people go to UM hockey games because they love hockey. California
    people go to Ducks games because their air conditioner broke down.
 4. Inflated California lobster prices will eat up that contract in no time.
 3. California girls get confused when asked, "What's your major?"
 2. Maine promises to change license plate to Kariyaland.
 1. NHL players with no teeth are intimidated by guys who have a
    college degree.