BRI wrote..
>It seems as though Maine should be punished by either forfeiting
>the 1991 games in which Ingraham "illegaly" played or make him sit
>out 14 games this season. BOTH would be incredibly excessive and
>downright outrageous.
Maine AD Mike Ploszek was on Dale Duff's Sport's Radio morning show this
morning.  He said that since Maine played with an ineligible player,
however unintentional, it is completely reasonable for Maine be asked to
forfeit those games.  Maine has agreed to the forfeiture of those games.
Maine's position wrt Cal Ingraham's penalty is that it is excessive and
that the NCAA appeal's committee has the power to lessen the penalty,
should it see mitigating circumstances.  The appeal should be held
tomorrow with result expected to be available late Friday afternoon.
When asked whether Cal and the athletic department *should* have been
aware of Cal's eligibility, Ploszek said "Yes".
When notified that UAF had already (possiby) forfeited (at least one)+
of its two games with Maine Ploszek was had a good chuckle, but had no
idea on how the contest would be treated.  He thanked the caller for
bringing it to his attention.
(You're welcome, Mike.  It was nice of host Dale Duff to ask all of my
questions, but then I'd primed him with them 30 minutes earlier).  :-)
Wayne Smith
The College Hockey Discussion List administrator
Systems Group - CAPS              BITNET/CREN:  wts@maine
University of Maine System        internet:     [log in to unmask]
+ Footnote: Mike Machnik has reported that UAF has already forfeited
  12 games in the Fall of 1991.  I have since discovered (what Keith
  Instone reported to us on 28 Aug 1992) that though UAF forfeited the
  games preceeding and following the pair of games with Maine on
  11/21-22/1991, the ineligible player DID NOT PLAY in the UAF-Maine
  series.  So the double forfeit question becomes an academic one.
  Amazing what you can find in the HOCKEY-L archives!