Add me to the list of those who think that the NC$$ was brain-dead in assessing
a 14 game penalty to Ingraham.  Assuming it's for the 1 credit short, then it
was an unintentional trivial error that no one realized until the new computer
program was put into place and then was self-reported.
ANd if it has to do with the time being at the community college @ UMaine, so
what?  I teach one night a week at an off-campus extension of BU.  But students
get BU degrees there.  So if the community college extension offerred UMaine
credits leading to a UMaine degree, I don't see the problem.
The NC$$, instead of picking nits, should take a hard look at the true abuses
in college athletics instead of fine-print violations.  IMNSHO, this was the
equivalent of the death penalty for jaywalking.  Cal would have fared better
if he'd stalked and stabbed the world's number one tennis player.
* Dave Hendrickson                   [log in to unmask] *
*             A Hockey Get-A-Lifer and Proud Of It             *
* GO BROONS!!!      Go Red Wings!      Anyone but the Rangers. *
* GO UMASS-LOWELL!!!       Go Maine!!            Go BU!        *
* Do I like too many teams?  Hey, sue me.  I just love hockey. *
* ------------------------------------------------------------ *
* Although I can't remember ever having an original thought,   *
* and am certainly parroting someone who actually has a brain, *
* these opinions are mine, not Hewlett-Packard's.              *