This is my first posting of the season... I'm starting to get
out from under the preseason grading...  some observations...
1. 41 players on the roster, I think the biggest Maine has
ever had... most of them "rawww" recruits...  they looked a
bit tense, especially the 4 goalies, but hey, what do you
expect when this is the first time they've taken the ice this
year and in front of 3500 fans at 12 midnight!
2. A couple of freshman to watch -> I was impressed with the
Cardenal kid and the Shemmerhorn kid (the spelling's probably
wrong)... Cardenal is really fluid out on the ice... I predict
a 20 goal season from him... the other kid   seems more of a
Salfi type... lot's of energy...
3. It's interesting that Gwinn's wearing 93 and Cardenal's wearing
85.  I think this is the first time Maine's going to the football
numbers.  I guess that's because they've got a football team size roster.
Anyone out there know whether other teams give out "big" numbers like